Syrup Season 1 + 2: Up to 43.1% APY
September 9, 2024

With Syrup TVL more than doubling to more than $80M in August, we’re excited to share the performance of the Drips rewards program for Season Two, and the lifetime returns of participants in the Drips rewards program.

Season Two participants received up to a combined 35.8% APY in yield and Drip rewards. Further, participants in the Drips rewards program for Seasons One and Two experienced compounded rewards - accruing up to 43.1% APY in combined USDC yield and Drips.

The compounding effect of daily Drips rewards contributed to a noteworthy boost to total APY over the course of two seasons.

During the duration of the program, lenders earned 14.56% net APY in USDC terms, with an average yield pickup of 14.8% from Drips, depending on commitment and other boosts.

Meanwhile, Syrup continued to generate consistent high yield for lenders, amid market volatility. To further increase transparency, Syrup now issues monthly reports with key performance data and updates. Read August's report here.

With SYRUP token launch on the horizon, users will continue to earn Drips for participating in the growth of the Syrup protocol. Following the successful passing of MIP-010, in November, users will be able to 'one-click convert' Drips to staked SYRUP.

To deposit, monitor your portfolio, and maximize your Drips, visit